E whakatipu ana te iwi whanui
At St John’s we celebrate being active disciples of Christ, seeking to love the people and things of God in the way that God loves them. We are led by the Holy Spirit.
We rejoice in our growing relationship with Tikanga Maori and the local iwi, Ngati Apakura and Ngati Maniapoto.
We offer Rest home ministry in the four rest homes in Te Awamutu.
Pastoral care is people caring for each other, which is what we are all about. If you would like to talk to sometime, or have someone from the pastoral care team to visit you at home, please contact the office. We also offer Home Communion if for any reason you can not come to a service at church.

We believe that God calls us into relationships with people intentionally, and sometimes those relationships are ones that bring healing and wholeness. Whether it is through counselling, coaching, friendship or prayer, we at St John's Parish will try and connect with you and help you to become all that God has called you to be. To get in touch for pastoral support, or just to touch base with one of our priests or lay ministers, please contact us .
Morning prayer is held every Thursday at 8:30am in St John's Church, this is followed by coffee and a chat at Robert Harris cafe.
All welcome to join us as we pray for our world, our community, our church and each other.

Small groups are a place to share life in all its mess and glory while learning how to live as followers as Jesus.
Bible Study Bi-weekly in St John's Lounge. Monday 12pm.
Bible Study weekly at St Saviours. Friday mornings 10:30am at the church.
Advent and Lenten study groups at St John’s dates arranged to suit members.
For more small group information contact the St John's Office
A community dinner is held every Monday evening from 4:30pm in the Parish lounge. This is run in conjunction with St Patrick's Catholic Church, Te Awamutu.
Everyone is welcome to gather for a meal and conversation with other people from the community.
We are always looking for volunteers so please if this is something you can help with contact the office.

Knit and Natter is held every Monday 9am-12 noon.
We gather in the Parish lounge for a morning of knitting and conversation over morning tea.
It is a good opportunity to show what you are currently knitting, getting help if you are stuck with a pattern, show any past pieces that you are proud of or share patterns.
We also knit for Waikato NICU and have other projects like this throughout the year.
Please contact the office if you are wanting to join or just show up on Monday.
Pirongia Church Crafts is a social group of ladies who enjoy creating. The type of stuff created is mostly Christmas decorations, for tree décor, table creations large and small, gifts of all types suitable for presents or that special something to liven up a window ledge or table top. We have them all for sale at St Saviours Church in Pirongia.
The ladies who meet regularly every Monday enjoy the social interaction and friendly chatter, morning tea is provided and a changing and learning environment is part of the fun of making crafts. All materials are provided and anyone who has never made crafts before can be pleasantly surprised at what can be achieved with help. Feel free to call in on Mondays to see what we produce for sale, have a tea or coffee and see the Craft Group in action. We are always looking for new ideas and welcome ladies who would like to be involved.
Contact Barbara Preece for further information at : 07 871 9494

St Saviours Church, Pirongia, 10.30am.
For more information contact St John's Office
Meetings are 2nd Tuesday each month in the St John's lounge at 11am. A shared meal follows the meeting. All welcome.

Located adjacent to the hall off George St.
Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 9-12.
Not open during January or public holidays
If you would like to know more, or be part of a fun, active team please contact Marie on 07 8705561 or the office below.
Podiatry Clinic at St Saviours (monthly) on first Fridays. See website: or call Jessica on (027) 42 42 442 to book an appointment.

5:30pm on fifth the Sunday of the month when there is one, or the first Sunday of following month.
Death Cafe
11am Third Tuesdays of the Month in the St John's lounge.
This is a peer support group who meet together to discuss topics around death and dying.
A religiously and spiritually diverse group of people finding healing through being together.

Movie Night
7pm First Thursday of the month in the Parish lounge.
This is a space for people to come, enjoy a good movie and spend time together.
We provide snacks and hot drinks. Please feel free to bring your own snack if you wish.
Food Bank – St John’s contributes food and volunteer workers
Writers group – weekly article to TA News giving a Christian view on current issues
Health Shuttle - garage on church land and many parishioners volunteer as drivers.
The Parish of St John's
Te Awamutu
(07) 871 5568
162 Arawata St
Te Awamutu 3840
Office Hours
Monday: 10am - 1pm
Tuesday - Friday: 9am - 1pm

©2021 by St John's Parish, Te Awamutu.